In Depth Baby Product Reviews Led by a Pediatrician

Boba 4G Review

Simple, easy, but waistband is lacking support
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Boba 4G Review
Credit: BabyGearLab Staff
Price:  $140 List
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Manufacturer:   Boba
By Adrian Hogel & Juliet Spurrier, MD  ⋅  Jun 21, 2015
  • Baby's Safety - 35% 9.0
  • Baby's Comfort - 20% 7.0
  • Parent's Comfort - 20% 6.0
  • Ease of Use - 20% 7.0
  • Ease of Cleaning - 5% 3.0

Our Verdict

We had an overall pleasant experience with the Boba 4G which landed right in the middle of our baby carrier rankings. It's available in multiple colors and cute patterns, as well as organic options, and the high quality of construction makes us confident it will last a long time. For us, it was comfy and easy to use, but there are several reasons why the Boba didn't surpass the competition.
Hip/spine positioning
Flexible waistband
Tricky back carry

Our Analysis and Test Results

The Boba 4G is a well-constructed, simple carrier with two baby wearing positions: front carry facing in and back carry. It accommodates babies from newborn through 45 pounds and now comes with an infant insert that adapts the carry-pouch to fit a newborn, then transitions to an “M” shape for babies 11-15 pounds (see video below). Once baby reaches 15 pounds, the insert comes out and the carrier is used in its standard configuration, where it should suffice through toddler-hood. Read on to learn a little more about our experience with the 4G.

Performance Comparison

Baby's Safety

The 4G scored an 8 of 10 in our comparisons. It offers a secure hold for baby in the front carry facing in position, that is nice and close. Baby's legs are held in the “frog” position providing proper ergonomic support for their developing hips and spine. The back support for baby is more than adequate which is helpful when putting an older baby or toddler into a back carry position as it offers a nice deep seat and holds them nice and close.
boba 4g - the boba 4g has a wide, deep seat that holds baby's legs in an...
The Boba 4G has a wide, deep seat that holds baby's legs in an ergonomically correct position.
Credit: Adrian Hogel

Baby's Comfort

This carrier scored a 7 of 10 for Baby's Comfort. It is a sturdy product that supports babies and toddlers well. It offers a nice, deep seat for them. The material is soft an comfortable, so comfortable that our newborn tester reported that her baby fell asleep each time she used it. There are however, some minor issues with the head support panel. It feels a little flimsy compared to other carriers we tested and often folds over on itself. This makes it a bit tricky to get the panel flipped up in the back carry position, which caused some discomfort for baby. Also, there is no extra padding on the leg holes like some of the other higher scoring competitors we tested.
boba 4g - compared to other carriers, the head/upper back support on the boba...
Compared to other carriers, the head/upper back support on the Boba 4G seemed a little flimsy, especially for older babies.
Credit: Adrian Hogel

Parent's Comfort

The Boba scored a 6 of 10 for this metric and is generally a comfy carrier that supports and distributes weight to the wearer's hips alleviating strain on the shoulders. However, the padding in the waistband is softer, shorter, and more flexible than other carriers, and we noticed when carrying heavier babies. We prefer a carrier with a stiffer waistband, like the Onya Baby Outback or the Tula Ergonomic Baby.
boba 4g - compared to the tula ergonomic baby and the beco baby gemini, the...
Compared to the Tula Ergonomic Baby and the Beco Baby Gemini, the padded waistband on the Boba 4G is shorter and flimsier.
Credit: Adrian Hogel

Ease of Use

boba 4g - difficult to reach "chest" strap on the boba 4g when using in a...
Difficult to reach “chest” strap on the Boba 4G when using in a front carry.
Credit: Kelly Beson
With an intuitive design that is simple to put on and take off, the Boba 4G received a 7 of 10 for Ease of Use. All straps are dual-adjustable (meaning you can pull from either side of the buckle) for ease of use and a very wide fit range, and can also be loosened easily for breastfeeding. Another nice feature is the built-in straps on the shoulders for holding your purse or diaper bag. However, with only two carry positions, the 4G lost points for its lack of versatility. Also, the chest clip can be inconvenient to reach and adjust when positioned on your back. It does have a sleeping hood and storage pocket, which we really appreciate, but the hood is stiff and hard to store away compared to some of the others we used. Finally, the 4G itself is a bit bulkier and more cumbersome when it comes to storage compared to higher-scoring carriers.

Ease of Cleaning

One of the first things we noticed about this carrier when we pulled it out of the box was that it is a lint magnet! Also, the washing instructions say to spot clean and machine wash only when necessary. For this reason, the Boba scored a 3 of 10 for Ease of Cleaning.

Best Applications

Need one carrier to take you from newborn to toddler? The Boba is a decent option. From walks in the neighborhood to trips to the grocery store, this carrier is a solid performer.


At $140, the 4G is priced a bit lower than many of the other carriers we tested. However, we found that spending just a bit more will up your bang for your buck considerably. Check out the Tula Ergonomic or the Onya Baby Outback for other options.


This high quality, well-made carrier that will transition from newborn to toddler with ease. Compared to other soft structured carriers in our tests, the Boba landed in the middle, losing points in the Parent's Comfort and Ease of Cleaning categories.


Adrian Hogel & Juliet Spurrier, MD