In Depth Baby Product Reviews Led by a Pediatrician

UPPAbaby Minu Review

Expensive and heavy but easy to use and squarely compact
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UPPAbaby Minu Review
Credit: Abriah Wofford
Price:  $450 List
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Manufacturer:   UPPAbaby
By Juliet Spurrier, MD and Wendy Schmitz  ⋅  Apr 25, 2023
  • Weight/Folded Size - 35% 5.0
  • Ease of Use - 30% 7.9
  • Maneuverability - 25% 6.4
  • Quality - 10% 8.0

Our Verdict

The UPPAbaby Minu is a stylish top-ranked travel stroller that folds into thirds and would fit well in the overhead storage bin on an airplane. It has easy-to-use useful features, a storage bin with a 20 lb weight allowance and an ample canopy with great coverage, and a large peek-a-boo window. We like this stroller but find it does not beat out the best stroller competition due to the heavier weight and larger price tag without matching upgraded features. It is not as attractive compared to similarly scoring strollers that cost less and offer similar conveniences.
Compact fold great for travel
Easy to use features
Heavy for its size
Not for off-road surfaces
New Version
The Minu has been replaced with the Minu v2. We are now linking to this new version and plan to test it this year. In the meantime, the stroller versions look very similar, and we assume the new version will have the same level of quality and design we associate with UPPAbaby.

Editor's Note: The UPPAbaby Minu review was updated on April 25, 2023, with a new link to the Minu v2 stoller, as the old Minu version has been discontinued.

Our Analysis and Test Results

Over a decade ago, an American family started the UPPAbaby company with the dream of making family life easier with innovative products that didn't sacrifice convenience or features for the sake of style or budget. UPPAbaby produces several strollers ranging from full-size options to the UPPAbaby Vista designed for growing families. They also have a line of top-ranked car seats.

Performance Comparison

uppababy minu - the minu folds in thirds so it is compact and squat, but thick...
The Minu folds in thirds so it is compact and squat, but thick compared to a traditional umbrella fold.
Credit: Abriah Wofford

Weight and Folded Size

For an umbrella stroller, the Minu is somewhat hefty at 14.9 lbs. This weight is slightly higher than the average.

The Minu measures 6,610 cubic inches when folded, compact and fair compared to the competition. More importantly, it folds in thirds, similar to the BabyZen Yoyo2 and the Zoe Traveler, making a package small enough to fit in an overhead compartment. It also comes with a storage bag to keep everything protected and together.

uppababy minu - the carry strap on the minu can aid in carrying this somewhat heavy...
The carry strap on the Minu can aid in carrying this somewhat heavy lightweight stroller.
Credit: Abriah Wofford

Ease of Use

This stroller is one of the easiest in the review to use, with useful features and thoughtful design.

The Minu fold is initiated with one hand with a unique slide feature...
The Minu fold is initiated with one hand with a unique slide feature on the handlebar.
The Minu has an automatic locking mechanism with a lot of play which...
The Minu has an automatic locking mechanism with a lot of play which doesn't hold it together very tightly.

Fold and Unfold

The Minu has a unique fold that is squat and almost square. You can fold this stroller with one hand (above left) and it has an automatic lock (above right) and self-stands. The stroller folds down easily on itself into thirds. It does require two hands to unfold, but it isn't difficult.

uppababy minu - the single action brakes on the minu are color-coded and very...
The single action brakes on the Minu are color-coded and very straightforward with no challenges for proper use.
Credit: Abriah Wofford


The single-action brakes of the Minu are color-coded with two different pedals for set and release. The pedals align with each rear wheel and are easy to press.

The storage bin on the Minu holds up to 20 lbs of gear, but the...
The storage bin on the Minu holds up to 20 lbs of gear, but the shallow tray design will limit how much you can fit inside. We did fit our large diaper bag in it.
The Minu has front access to the storage bin which is rare in any...
The Minu has front access to the storage bin which is rare in any stroller style but even more so in the umbrella style.


The storage bin is accessible from the back (above left) and front (above right), which is useful when the seatback is reclined. The basket is medium in size, but we fit our large diaper bag inside. It has a 20 lb weight allowance which is huge for this stroller style, but the shallow design means you likely won't reach this limit. There is also a medium-sized pocket on the back of the stroller with a 1 lb limit.

The Minu has a large canopy with a sun visor and covered peek-a-boo...
The Minu has a large canopy with a sun visor and covered peek-a-boo window that has a top drawer fabric cover with magnetic closure.
The Minu has a large mesh peek-a-boo window for spying on little ones.
The Minu has a large mesh peek-a-boo window for spying on little ones.


The canopy is large for an umbrella stroller covering over the knees with a pull-out visor (above left) for additional coverage. It has a mesh peek-a-boo window (above right) that is very large and has a cover with magnetic closure.

uppababy minu - the minu has one of the easiest harness and buckle combinations in...
The Minu has one of the easiest harness and buckle combinations in the group with simple adjustments and easy rethread height adjustments.
Credit: Abriah Wofford


The 5-point harness on the Minu is one of the easiest to use with a user-friendly rethread design. The straps slide easily for a good fit, and the shoulder height adjustment slips easily into the seatback without a struggle. It also has an adjustable crotch strap and a buckle that only requires one thumb to open.

uppababy minu - the seatback adjustment toggle on the minu can be operated with one...
The seatback adjustment toggle on the Minu can be operated with one hand to recline but requires two hands to pull the straps to raise it.
Credit: Abriah Wofford


The seatback on the Minu is adjustable and easy enough to operate, but it doesn't recline far and is likely not the best for napping. The plastic toggle is operable with one hand to lower but will require two hands to pull the straps to raise the back. It has a padded leg rest that is not adjustable and a narrow, rigid plastic footrest. The front of the leg rest has piping that could chafe bare legs.

Car Seat Compatibility

With the purchase of adapters, the Minu is compatible with the UPPAbaby seats and some car seats from Maxi-Cosi, Nuna, and Cybex.

Ease of Setup

The Minu is easy to assemble. It took just under 4:30 minutes.

It comes with a nice quick start guide and doesn't require any tools for the two-step process of wheel and canopy attachment.

uppababy minu - the minu has single plastic wheels on each front leg but they lack...
The Minu has single plastic wheels on each front leg but they lack the ability to lock in place for easier movement over rough terrain.
Credit: Abriah Wofford


The Minu has better maneuverability than many lightweight strollers. On flat surfaces, this stroller is easier to push than the competing UPPAbaby options we tested, allowing room for a longer stride. Thanks to its short footprint, it negotiates small spaces and crowded streets with ease and no difficulties. Moving off-road is more challenging, and you won't want to cross grass and gravel for long as the plastic wheels struggle.

uppababy minu - the minu is a high-quality stroller with durable materials and...
The Minu is a high-quality stroller with durable materials and attention to detail.
Credit: Abriah Wofford


This UPPAbaby stroller is as lovely as they come with a stylish appearance and thoughtful design. It has a sturdy frame and limited visual connectors for a product that folds in thirds. The plastic foam-filled wheels are firm and less likely to deform or dent than cheaper wheels. The fabric feels durable, and we didn't see any errant stitching on our stroller. Overall, it has a better fit and finish than the other UPPAbaby options in this review.

Should You Buy the UPPAbaby Minu?

The Minu is an excellent product with some of the best ease of use features you can find in a lightweight stroller. If you are familiar with and love UPPAbaby products, you will probably like the Minu as well. It has similar features to other strollers from the brand and is intuitive to use overall. It is a bit pricey, but it is one of the few lightweight strollers compatible with the UPPAbaby Mesa, and it also works with some of our other favorite infant car seats. If you don't mind the slightly higher weight and folded size, the Minu is a great option for families who want a top-quality lightweight stroller that they can use in conjunction with their Mesa car seat.

What Other Umbrella Strollers Should You Consider?

If you like the quality and useability of the Minu but want something even lighter and smaller, the BabyZen Yoyo2 may be better suited to your needs. Although not compatible with as many car seat brands, it works with some of the best car seats and is a top scorer for quality and maneuverability. If you like the design of the Minu but are stunned by the price tag, the Zoe Traveler is a budget-friendly alternative that also folds into thirds to fit into overhead bins and has above-average ease-of-use performance.

Manufacturer Video

Juliet Spurrier, MD and Wendy Schmitz